Sunday, January 31, 2016

The House of Higgins: January 31


Friday was exceptionally nice and we met four other moms and a bunch of kids at the Arboretum for a picnic. I only snapped a few pics of my kiddos before the kids started running around and getting into puddles...hah.

Kiki & E-Pa Visit

Kiki and E-Pa arrived Friday evening for a visit and a celebration of Kiki's birthday (a week late). Embry had fun decorating cupcakes for Kiki's birthday the day they arrived. Embry had a birthday party for a friend at Chuck E. Cheese Saturday midday, so Kiki, E-Pa and Jacob took her and had fun watching her play games...and be DEATHLY afraid of Chuck E. That evening we went to Hibachi for Kiki's birthday and it went over much better than the last time we took E almost 2 years ago when she was TERRIFIED of the fire. She loved using the chopsticks to eat her salad...the chicken not so much, ugh! 

Ready for Zoe's birthday party! (Zoe is the one who got E hooked on My Little Pony)

E-Pa and Daddy playing games =)

Todd having fun at home with Mommy while the others went to the party

Happy boy after a 2 hour nap!

Party pooper at dinner taking his evening nap!

Kiki and EPa with their girl =)

Eating her salad with chop sticks

Kiki and her grands =)


Todd just can't get enough of her and she's always in his face! hah!

E's been super into teeny tiny toys lately...which get lost OFTEN. Here's a "baby squirrel"!

Little Miss requested pig tails for school =)

Waiting for class to start...making a stuffed animal walk on the balance beam =)

Tiger princess at Caroline's House


I noticed in the monitor she was all wonky! Hah.

Making a domino train track

Had to wake up T to go pick up Embry from school and T was such a trooper!

The juiciest legs!

Costco lunch date!

I cannot handle this cuteness!!!

This guy can't roll back to tummy yet, but somehow scoots around the house. He was on his play mat facing the other direction!


Sunday, January 24, 2016

The House of Higgins: January 24

Todd's Four Month Well Check

I posted Todd's Four Month Update here last Monday =) Wednesday I took him to his well check while Embry was at school. They got T's weight at 16 pounds 4 oz (89%) and his height at 24.75 inches (50%) and his head at 43.75 cm (73%). Our normal pediatrician is out on maternity leave, but I liked the doctor we saw! He said that Todd looked perfect (duh!) and seems really strong. He thinks he'll be sitting within a month and get teeth within the next two months. We shall see! Todd did well with the shots and ended up sleeping a ton that day.


Toddy Taking a Bottle

Last Sunday Jacob tried to give Toddy a bottle and he took it! Woo hoo! So each day this week I gave him a bottle during the day and he sucked it down. I'm especially shocked he takes it from me, but he doesn't seem to mind! I did try formula on Wednesday and he did not like it at all and got pissed. So I'm going to keep up pumping once-twice a day and giving him the breast milk bottle.

Great Gram and Great Papa Visit

Friday afternoon, my grandparents from Chicago arrived for the weekend. They come to Texas for a month every winter and on their way to central Texas they stopped here! It was SO much fun having them and Embry took to them immediately and was dressed in her tutu and performing within minutes. They hadn't met our Toddy boy yet, so it was fun to introduce them! Saturday morning, despite the chilly weather, we headed to the zoo. A few of the fun animals weren't out, but we did get to see the new Lego exhibit which is really neat. 

We'll get to see them in February in Austin for a few days before they leave which we're so excited about. Embry wasn't happy to see them go and was happy when I told her we get to see them again soon.



My little shopping buddy

E discovered her love of skirts

Still loving gymnastics!

First time in the swing!

A new favorite game- Pet Hair Salon....LOL

Our new shower curtain makes him happy

Embry wearing the dress that my great-aunt Kathy knit for her! Cutest ever!

My kids are both stuffed up and coughing...ugh
