Sunday, May 31, 2015

Everything Embry: May 31

Week in Austin

Embry and I got home this afternoon from extending our holiday weekend into a week in Austin. Jacob had a bachelor party this weekend so we all just reunited at home in Dallas! We split up our time and basically hopped from house to house every two days. Excited to not live out of our suit cases anymore.

Harts House

We stayed with that Harts and we loved getting some extra Lucy cuddles, especially Embry. Although, Embry and Ford had pretty much had enough cousin time and they fought pretty much the whole time and it was quite exhausting. Best of friends and worst of enemies for sure.

My bed mate for a few days

Getting Lucy ready for her one month pictures

Lucy napping next to her cousin

Ruthie and I think our girls look a little similar at their one month pics---despite E being 3 pounds bigger! LOL

Mimi and Papa's House

We spent two nights at my parents and got some pool time in! She also had some alone time with Mimi and Papa when I went out for a girls night =)

Earning her keep watering flowers

Playing with old Barbies in the pool

Coloring pictures for Mimi and Papa's fridge

She always finds the babies wherever we are and won't leave their side hah

Playing with Barbies in her "castle"

Mommy's night out =)

While Mommy's away Embry will play =) FroYo with Mimi and Papa

Embry helping with Mommy's Lovenox shot

Dollar Tree with Mimi equals toys galore!

Mall rides

E's nap time is heavenly at my parents

Being chickens with Mimi

Kiki and E-Pa's House and Sea World

We spent our last two days and nights with Kiki and E-Pa. Saturday we had big plans to go to Sea World with Kiki, E-Pa and Great Grandma Gordon. (Sidenote: I have seen Blackfish and love the docu, have totally judged Sea World these past few years and was super nervous to go to Sea World, but it was a good time and most importantly Embry had a great day with her grands and great grand!)

A glitch in our plan occurred when Embry woke up at 7:30 and I walked into find her covered head to toe in chunky, dried puke. Literally on everything in the crib. And it was definitely old.... I can cry right this second thinking of her puking alone in the middle of the night. I wake up to every noise on the monitor so I'm sure she didn't cry, but still.... I'm heartbroken. Anyway, she seemed totally fine when she got up and wanted breakfast so we stuck to our plan and headed to Sea World 2 hours away.

Literally, four miles from Sea World, Embry puked again. A TON. Since we already had tickets purchased we decided to give it a try, but I made the decision if she threw up again we'd leave immediately. Turns out she was totally fine the rest of the day and had a complete blast. I was very, very nervous and worried the first few hours and couldn't quite relax. It was a hot, steamy day and Embry insisted on running everywhere. I was terrified she was getting dehydrated.

Embry had a ball seeing the Pets Ahoy show, feeding Sea Lions and ducks, and just running around. In fact that night when asked she said her favorite part of the day was "running". The two big shows we saw with whales and dolphins happened after her normal nap time, so she wanted to snuggle on Mommy's lap and during the big Killer Whale show she told me she was all done and insisted on leaving halfway through. Hah. I think if it weren't nap time she would have enjoyed the shows a lot more. We left around 4:00 pm and we weren't even on the highway yet before she conked out for the majority of the 2 hour drive home.

Tea party with Kiki and her tea set from when she was a little girl

Ready for Sea World

Checking out the flamingos

Feeding the sea lions

Her phrase of the day "Follow Me, Guysssssss"

Our scheduled girl 45 min past nap time

Skies opening up for a big storm right as we were leaving.

Completely passed out.

Sunday drive home! At a stoplight right by our house, still snoozing.