Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The House of Higgins: April 27

Our Week in Dallas

Dressed in their Sunday best

I put this packing paper on our table for the whole week (it's still there actually) during E's naptime and she had so much fun adding to it all week.

Thanks to a hearty tax return (haha) I finally upgraded my 11 year old DSLR camera!

Does it get any cuter than elbow dimples and these legs?

Loving Mum-Mums

These legs!!!

Embry and I heard Todd squealing and ran over to him! Haha he was tangled in a blanket.

Hey ladies

Embry's Writing

Sunday evening I was putting Todd to bed and saw this card propped up on his night stand. I took it into the bathroom where Jacob was bathing Embry and said- Awww Embry how sweet you made Todd a card. Then I turned to Jacob and said- That's so cute....did you help her write Todd? He was SO confused and had no clue what I meant. When I showed it to him we questioned her and she said- Yes, I spell Todd T-O-D-D! She did this all on her own. 1. She's the sweetest ever! And 2. Such a little smartie! So proud of her and her writing and drawing skills. 

Later in the week I noticed she wrote Todd backwards on the table and confirmed with a few teacher friends that it's totally normal as kids have no sense of direction of writing! So  yay Embry! 

Lucy Joy's Birthday Party!

We all were in Austin this weekend for Lucy's birthday party! Can't believe she's one!! Ruthie threw an adorable party, of course! And Embry had a blast playing with her cousins and basically took over Lucy's new doll that she named Cici. Haha. The whole family went out to dinner to Lucy's Fried Chicken that evening and Todder boy couldn't hang til 6:15 on the drive home.

The big cousins =)

Kiki and E-Pa were there to celebrate Lucy Loo!

Painting a bird house =)

Playing with Lucy's new doll house

Baby Cici

Jacob planting Lucy's tree!

Pretty impressed with her coloring in the lines!

Our Long Weekend in Austin

The kids and I came in Friday afternoon (after MOPS) and we came back today. Jacob met us in town for the weekend but had to work of course during the week. We had fun spending lots of time with cousins and getting to spend time with each set of grandparents!

Love being at a dead stop in traffic on I-35...ugh! At least my kids slept thru it!

Rest stop potty and nurse break

Aunt Tomi shared lipstick with E ;)

Much needed margarita by the pool after a traffic-y drive in!

Papa reading to E in her "special room" aka the closet.

Uncle Bug and Todder Bear

Embry snapping a pic of Todd in his "model pose" haha

Swooning over Papa

Embry and her tree at Kiki and E-Pa's house!

E-Pa and Embry

Embry's tree April 2015 and 2016

Blackberries she found on a walk with Daddy

Kiki, Great Grandma Gordon, and E baking!

Papa Todd and Baby Todd watching the playoffs!

Crazy, cute cousins! The water was FREEZING!

Stretching with Aunt Tomi

Beading with Mimi

Mmmmm avocado

Dollar Tree purchases with Mimi

New Popcorn shop/candy store by Mimi and Papa's house

Rock Candy!

Sweet Berry Farms

Tuesday, before we headed home, we met Ruthie, Ford and Lucy (and Mimi came along) in Marble Falls at Sweet Berry Farm! I've been wanting to do the spring festivities there for awhile and it was perfect. The kids loved picking the strawberries, jumping on a giant trampoline thingy, and feeding the goats.

