Monday, February 25, 2013

Embry: 20 Weeks

Sleep! (Finally!)

Finally at 20 weeks (one week ago- today she's actually 21 weeks) the sleep battle ended! I was at my wits end last Monday after a week of waking up 4-5 times a night to a crying baby. She missed her swaddle and she just couldn't get comfortable. I was all ready to go, I was going to let her cry it out Monday night! And then, she was fine! She went to bed that night at 8:00 pm, and got up at 3:30 am to eat, and got up again around 7:30 am. It's like she knew I was ready to battle her! She finally found that she was comfy on her tummy and has been sleeping soundly at night and naps every since! Thank the Lord! 

And actually last night, for the first time EVER, she slept 12 hours uninterrupted!!! She went down at 7:00 pm last night (even a little before!) and was up at 7:00 am! No 4:00 am feeding. Of course, I tossed and turned a few times in the night, shocked she still hadn't gotten up, but I am SO happy!!! It's funny, I had told my mom this weekend starting Monday (today) I was going to try to wean her night feeding. Gradually feeding her a few minutes less and less each night, until she doesn't need it anymore! Looks like she "heard" my threat again!)

I also have learned to not expect this is a permanent situation. Someone last week told me something oh so true... EVERYTHING with babies is a phase. Don't get too comfortable because things WILL change! So true!! But for now, I'm basking in the first night in 5 months where I wasn't woken up by a hungry baby!! 


Last Sunday (February 17) we were so lucky to have two special visitors. Great Grandma Gordon and her sister Great-Great Aunt Mary Jo. They were in Dallas for a line dance convention and came for a visit on their way out of town. This was one of Embry's HORRIBLE sleeping days where she was up a bunch in the night and had refused to nap all morning. These pictures show one sleepy baby!!!

Sweet Potatoes and Avocados

After four days of bananas, we gave Embry sweet potatoes this week. She liked them okay, but not nearly as much as the bananas! And boy were they messy....

Then, last night when we got home from a weekend in Austin, we tried avocado as my pediatrician suggested. She was very interested in the bowl of mashed avocado, but wasn't quite sure about the taste. I ended up thawing a cube of pureed banana and mixed it together and she ate it. We'll try again today! =)

Steaming the sweet potatoes

Ready to freeze

We quickly learned naked eating is the way to go with Embry...haha

Baby News and 50th Birthday Bash

This weekend we went to Austin for two BIG occasions. Friday night we went to the Harts house for their gender reveal. We found out we're going to have a nephew come August! We are SO excited!!! Our parents are going to have their favorite granddaughter and favorite grandson...perfection!! Now, if only August would hurry up and get here so we can meet him! (Wait, that will mean Embry is 10 months old....oh my gosh!!)

Dressed in pink and blue!!!
Me and Emmy dressed in our pink and blue!! (Jacob didn't have pink/blue, so we wore his "I Love Hot Moms" shirt for Ruthie =)

Jacob and I both had a feeling it was a boy, but Embry said girl...

Jacob and I always have little bets going, mainly for foot and back rubs! I think right now I owe him over 2 hours in various bets we've made over the past few weeks. Although we both thought boy, Jacob was SURE, so I decided to team up with Embry. Well we were wrong! Add another hour to my debt!

Can't wait to experience a baby boy!
Awesome scratch offs Ruthie made

Saturday was my parents 50th birthday party at a dive bar. Yes, I took my baby to a bar.... My grandparents, Embry's Great Gram and Great Papa were SOO generous to offer to babysit, so we all went to they party for a little bit, then I took them all home, fed Embry and put her down and left her for the FIRST TIME! She was a perfect angel and didn't make a peep for them! 

Great Papa and Great Gram

Embry and the 50 year olds! (Well Mimi has one week left in her 40's!)

Emmy and her god parents (and cousin!)

"You have a baby, in a bar?!?!?"

Cuddles with Kiki =)

Sleepy girl, passing out in a bar....haha

Here are some more pictures from the weekend. Embry had another first...she got to attend her first bridal shower! It worked out perfectly that my friend Maddy's shower was this past weekend! Embry and I made a quick appearance before getting back to help with party stuff! 

Four Generations

Playing with Mimi

Embry loves her Mimi!

Trying so hard to crawl...already! 

Playing with Aunt Sam's bracelet at Kiki and E-Pa's house!

Happy to be home!

When we got home Sunday, Jacob did some yard work, so we played outside!

Quick stroll around the 'hood!


These two videos from the week are of Embry with her favorite monkey named Bananas! Mrs. Talkative!

Picture Dump from Week 20

And for the weekly photo dump! Onto Week 21... =)

Happy Birthday Papa!

Hiking the trails at White Rock

Jumperoo is so fun!!!

What a big girl!

One of our daily walks!

Mmmm bananas!

Cutie girl!

Looking awfully big in her bouncey!

Dr. Evil....hah

Fun play date with Ashli

Sorry to be totally gross, but yup, that's spit up! I had laid her down...she rolled over, spit up and laid in it in a matter of seconds.... GROSS!!!

Gross, but happy!

Happiest girl!

Posted these above, but we are OBSESSED with 'our' teething necklace from Aunt Ruthie! Best invention ever!!!

Ya think Embry likes it?

Naked baby!!!!